Module 2: Fluid Statics -- Manometry:
In modules 2 and 3, we cover real-life applications of fluids in which the fluid is either stationary or moving with a constant velocity. For these cases, the shear stresses become zero, and all primary stresses become minus pressure, which simplifies the mathematics significantly when compared to fluid dynamics applications. Specifically, in module 2, we apply our finding to manometry. A manometer is a pressure measuring device that involves using liquid columns in vertical or inclined tubes.
Student Learning Outcomes: After completing this module, you should be able to:
* Determine the pressure at various locations in a fluid at rest
* Explain the concept of manometers and apply appropriate equations to determine the pressure
Lecture Videos:
Link to Module 2 Playlist Link to Lecture Notes Module 2
Links to Individual Module 2 Videos:
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Fluid Statics and Pascal's Law: In this segment, we introduce the fluid statics, derive the stress field for fluid statics, discuss special cases, and derive Pascal's laws.
Lecture 2 - Pressure Variation in a Static Fluid: In this segment, we derive and discuss pressure variation for both compressible and incompressible static fluids.
Lecture 3 - Manometry: In this segment, we demonstrate how to use manometers or manometry to obtain time-averaged pressure of any point in a fluid domain.
Lecture 4 - Pressure Calculation for Various Points in Immersion: In this segment, we go over step by step instructions on how to calculate the pressure in a fluid field containing multiple fluids (oil and water).
Lecture 5 - Manometry - A Comprehensive Example: In this segment, we go over step by step instructions on how to calculate the pressure in a fluid field for an inclined and U-Tube manometer.
Lecture 6 - Module 2 Recap
Additional Videos (Short FE Exam type questions)
Lecture 7 - In this segment, we solve an example practice problem from Pressure Variation in Multiple Liquids topic.
Lecture 8 - In this segment, we solve an example practice problem from the inclined manometer topic.
Congratulations, you just finished module 2! Please proceed to module 3

College Fluid Mechanics
An Open Courseware
FE Exam Review and Practice